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필리핀 여행 전문가

스켈레톤 렉 정보

10 Google 리뷰
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Skeleton Wreck  

Skeleton Wreck, CoronSkeleton Wreck, which is located on Coron Island's northwest corner, is a fun and simple dive site. It is extremely suitable for snorkeling since it rests at a depth of 5 to 22 meters at the stern. From just off the shore, you can see the entire wreck.
The least creepy of the three is probably Skeleton Wreck. The steel keel, ribs, and stringers of this 25-meter-long Japanese supply vessel are all that remains of the Imperial ships sunk by US forces during World War II.


How to get there

You can reach Skeleton Wreck by boat. This attraction is included on Coron's Island Hopping Tour 'B.'


Best time to visit

You can visit this attraction during the summer months in order to avoid rainfall.


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