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Smartflight Travel and Academic Services

A travel agency and tour operator since 2010. Accredited by DOT and member of PTAA, PHILTOA, and TPB.
A travel agency and tour operator since 2010. Accredited by DOT and member of PT
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Arlene Antonio

Arlene Antonio

20/10/2022, 20:29

On our first day, Rikka Atole took us to the Cagsawa Ruins for a walk followed by ATV. Bico was gracious to take our photos while guiding us through the wilderness at the foot of Mount Mayon. Next stop was Camalig for Quituinan and Sumlang Lake. Finally had late lunch at Dreamers Cafe. Then we pushed forward to Tiwi Pottery. Our second day consisted of two beautiful waterfalls- Busay and Vera. They are about an hour from each other. We had lunch at Gamboa's Orchard which is lovingly decorated with a lot of Santa Claus decor. Our driver for the first day is John then Mark for the second day. They were polite and made sure we were comfortable and enjoying our trip. Rikka is incredible! She took our picture even if it meant walking on narrow rice pathways or going between large boulders. She really took the extra mile for posterity. Overall, I would recommend GUIDE TO THE PHILIPPINES to friends and relatives.

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