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필리핀 여행 전문가

카들라오 라군정보

5 Google 리뷰
Tourist Attraction
Cadlao Lagoon, El Nido, Palawan, Philippines
영업 시간
월: 24시간 영업. 화: 24시간 영업; 수: 24시간 영업. 목: 24시간 영업; 금: 24시간 영업; 토: 24 시간 영업. 일: 24시간 영업
중심으로부터의 거리
가족 친화적
평균 평점
후기 수

Cadlao LagoonClick and drag to move

Cadlao Lagoon

When you hear about El Nido, three things come to mind: white sand beaches, towering limestones, and emerald to azure clear water. For your next visit, discover one of the most popular lagoons in El Nido - the Cadlao Lagoon.

Located at the western face of Cadlao Island, Ubugon Cove, well-known as the Cadlao Lagoon is a paradise waiting to be discovered. With towering limestone rocks enveloped around the lagoon, the place gives off a fortress-like vibe perfect for a secluded getaway. The lagoon has an opening to the sea that gives a spectacle show of how the water changes from deep emerald to clear azure color. The deep clear water entices tourists for snorkeling and diving. El Nido is known for its marine conservation so be prepared to be amazed by the rich marine life that Cadlao Lagoon has to offer. If you’re lucky enough, you can find sea turtles among the innumerable species of fishes and clusters of coral reefs. The water in this area is also calm so it's perfect for swimming.

The best way to explore the lagoon is by kayak. Paddle your way around the furthest part of Cadlao. You can find mangroves with birds casually chilling or trek your way to a short tree hut where you can see monkeys.

How to get there

When you arrive in El Nido, take a tricycle downtown or straight to your hotel. Book an El Nido Tour from either the town proper or along Bacuit Bay.

Best time to visit

 Visit this attraction during summer season so you’ll get the best experience.

Entrance fee

There is an entrance fee, environmental fee, and eco-tourism development fee to this attraction.

주변 관광지

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