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Helicopter Island


Dilumacad Island, also known as Helicopter Island, earned its name from the shape it assumes when viewed from a distance — a helicopter. Its silky cream-colored sand and turquoise waters will draw you in and hold your attention once you get closer. It is a great location for unwinding and taking in the stunning seaside scenery. 

Helicopter island dive spots offer a very wide variety of marine life and an amazing collection of corals. Sea grass develops on the sandy bed during the summer. Green sea turtles use it as a feeding area. All seven of the anemon fish species found in Bacuit Bay can only be found here. You may choose to spend your time between Helicopter and Cadlao Island when the water conditions are not ideal.


How to get there

Once you’re in El Nido, book an El Nido Tour C package. You can also book directly from a Philippine travel agency like Guide to the Philippines.


Best time to visit

You can go visit this tourist attraction all year round.


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