宿雾探险与浮潜 4 日游 - 菲律宾多日行程套餐

更新:自 2024 年 3 月 17 日起,奥斯洛布当地政府已暂时关闭图玛罗格瀑布,直至另行通知。 请注意,您在奥斯洛布原定参观瀑布的行程将更改为一场猴子观赏活动。
这个为期 4 天的菲律宾旅游套餐将带您探索宿雾户外旅游景点的自然美景。 对于冒险爱好者来说,这是一次完美的体验,因为您将前往莫阿尔博阿尔参加跳岛游,并在奥斯洛布观赏鲸鲨。 该南宿雾旅游套餐已包括在莫阿尔博阿尔的豪华酒店住宿 2 晚、在宿雾市的豪华酒店住宿 1 晚、往返机场接送服务、从莫阿尔博阿尔到宿雾市的接送服务,以及两次含午餐的旅行。 您还可以选择升级菲律宾旅游套餐,预订额外的全膳套餐。
当您抵达宿雾-麦克坦国际机场时,司机会来接机并将您送往莫阿尔博阿尔的酒店,您将在那里度过前两晚。 在房间安顿下来后,您便可以自由安排这一天了。 您可以随意游览小镇并参观附近的商店和餐馆,结束一天的行程。
第二天早上,将准时接您从住宿地出发,开始您菲律宾度假套餐的第一次冒险。 您将前往莫阿尔博阿尔海岸进行跳岛游。在跳岛游中,您将游览佩斯卡多尔岛和海龟湾,这两个地方都是当地的热门浮潜地点,拥有丰富的海洋生物。 接下来,您将在另一个区域浮潜,见证世界著名的沙丁鱼迁徙,将有成千上万的沙丁鱼齐头并进。
第 3 天,将陪同您前往奥斯洛布进行下一个行程。 您当天的第一项活动将是观赏鲸鲨。 虽然众所周知这些温顺的庞然大物经常出没于奥斯洛布的水域,但由于它们仍是迁徙动物,不能保证一定能看到它们。 之后,您将在苏米龙岛沙洲停留,在那里您可以放松身心并沿着细沙海岸漫步。 最后,您将游览图玛罗格瀑布,结束一天的旅程。 (图玛罗格瀑布暂时关闭,该行程将暂时变更为在奥斯洛布的猴子观赏活动。)
第二次旅行结束后,将带您前往宿雾市的下一个住宿地点。 第二天上午,您将有自由时间游览这座城市,然后在下午退房。 如果您要当天飞离宿雾,也可以在机场下车。
预订这个为期 4 天的菲律宾度假套餐,探索宿雾省的广阔户外空间。 请选择日期以确认是否还有名额。


第 1 天 - 第 1 天:到达 + 入住
抵达麦克坦-宿雾国际机场后,指定司机将迎接并护送您前往莫阿尔博阿尔的豪华酒店。 在房间里安顿下来后,您就可以开始南宿雾行程,随心所欲地度过当天余下的时光。
您可以前往附近的商店、餐馆和咖啡馆,感受当地风光,开启您的宿雾之旅。 如果您想在海边休息,还可以前往帕纳吉萨马海滩,一边畅饮一边欣赏日落。

第 2 天 - 第 2 天:宿雾莫阿尔博阿尔私人跳岛游(含接送服务)| 佩斯卡多尔岛、海龟湾和沙丁鱼迁徙
在菲律宾行程的第 2 天,司机一早便会来住宿地点接您,开启一天的行程。 首先接您到莫阿尔博阿周围参加跳岛游。 您将参观该地区最好的两个浮潜点:佩斯卡多尔岛和海龟湾。 行程的最后,您将在距离小镇海岸仅几英尺的地方目睹举世闻名的沙丁鱼迁徙。

第 3 天 - 第 3 天:宿雾奥斯洛布鲸鲨观赏、苏米龙岛沙洲和图玛罗格瀑布私人游(含午餐和接送服务)
第二天,您将前往奥斯洛布,进入水域观看鲸鲨,这是菲律宾度假套餐的一部分。 务必与这些温顺的庞然大物保持距离,以免意外伤害它们及其自然栖息地。 之后,您将继续前往苏米龙岛沙洲。
在这里,您可以沿着细软沙滩漫步,享受阳光的沐浴。此行的终点是图玛罗格瀑布,您可以在瀑布脚下的天然泳池畅游一番。 游览结束后,您将下榻宿雾市酒店。 (图玛罗格瀑布暂时关闭,该行程将暂时变更为在奥斯洛布的猴子观赏活动。)

第 4 天 - 第 4 天:退房 + 返程
在宿雾市醒来后,一整个上午您都可以按照自己的节奏探索这座城市的最佳景点。 对于美食家,强烈建议在宿雾当地餐厅品尝 lechon(烤乳猪)。
下午,您将退房,结束这趟多日游。 如果您要当天飞离宿雾,您也可以在麦克坦-宿雾国际机场下车。

第 5 天 - Day 5: Whale Shark-Watching in Cebu Province
Today, you’ll have the chance to swim alongside majestic whale sharks in Oslob town, one of the popular spots for whale shark encounters.
This experience allows you to get up close to these gentle giants as they glide through the waters of the whale shark watching area.
Your day begins with a pick-up from your accommodation in Moalboal town, taking you to Oslob town's coast for this unforgettable adventure.
Once you arrive at the town, you'll board a boat and head to the whale shark-watching area. Here, you can dive into the water and swim near these impressive creatures, observing their distinctive patterns and graceful movements. The calm demeanor of the whale sharks allows for an awe-inspiring and peaceful interaction, perfect for marine life enthusiasts.
After your adventure, you'll be dropped off at your accommodation, wrapping up an exciting and memorable day by the sea.

第 6 天 - Day 6: Moalboal Town in Cebu Province
After waking up in Moalboal town, you’ll have the day free to explore its charming spots at your own pace. Food lovers shouldn’t miss the chance to enjoy Cebu lechon, the locals’ version of the famous roasted suckling pig, at one of the restaurants in the town.
For those craving a bit more adventure, consider booking our trek to Osmeña Peak, one of the highest points in Cebu Province. Don’t worry—the hike is easy and beginner-friendly, taking just around 30 minutes to reach the summit.
Once you reach the top, you'll be met with sweeping views of the surrounding landscapes, making it the perfect spot for capturing incredible photos. If you choose to book this tour, pick-up and drop-off from your accommodation in Moalboal town are included for your convenience.

第 7 天 - Day 7: Manila City
You can start your day with a hearty breakfast at your accommodation in Moalboal town before enjoying some final moments exploring the local area.
When you're ready, your private car will be waiting to take you to Mactan-Cebu International Airport for a smooth 90-minute flight back to the city of Manila, where you can enjoy the rest of your trip.
Upon landing at Ninoy Aquino International Airport, a driver will be ready to meet you and take you to your accommodation. Once settled, you can relax, discover new places, or revisit some of your favorite spots in the bustling city of Manila.

第 8 天 - Day 8: Manila City
You can enjoy a delightful breakfast at your accommodation in Manila City before checking out.
Your driver will be ready to take you to Ninoy Aquino International Airport, ensuring a smooth and comfortable journey.
As you look back on your Cebu Island Province adventure—island hopping near Moalboal town, interacting with whale sharks in Oslob town, and the thrill of canyoneering at Kawasan Falls—leave with memories that will stay with you long after the trip ends, reminding you of the beauty and adventure the Philippines has to offer.
游览和行程 - 请根据行程穿着适当的衣服。 另请注意,您的行程可能需要重新安排,以便更好地适应您的抵达日期和时间。 旅游套餐中若有任何未使用的服务(比如餐饮、观光等),很遗憾,我们无法提供退款。
膳食 - 可选择升级到全膳套餐。 这将在第 1、2 和 4 天增加午餐和晚餐。膳食将根据您的到达和离开时间进行调整。
其他重要说明 - 随身携带现金,因为并非所有机构均接受信用卡或借记卡,而且自动取款机数量有限。
旅行要求 - 游客须自行办理目的地国家/地区的护照和签证。 如果游客因任何护照或签证问题而导致无法成行,我们概不承担任何责任,取消政策将根据预订条款适用。
政府规程 - 本次旅行需遵守菲律宾政府和地方政府部门制定的社区规程。 旅行要求和 COVID 限制可能随时变更,恕不另行通知。
This package is inclusive of accommodation during your trip.
Guide to the Philippines carefully hand picks your accommodations, allowing you to enjoy your trip without the hassle of finding a place to stay. Below are our preferred partners:
3-star accommodations offer a higher level of convenience with amenities such as private bathroom, Wi-Fi internet access, cable television, and telephone.
4-star accommodations offer a range of amenities, services, and facilities designed to provide a comfortable and enjoyable stay such as spacious and well-appointed rooms, private bathroom, 24-hour front desk assistance, dining options, swimming pool, fitness center and spa.