






1 名旅客



Neal Patrick Joseph Ocampo

Neal Patrick Joseph Ocampo

30/05/2024, 20:22
Review of Fun 10-Day Beaches & Nature Spots Tour Package to the Islands of Palawan, Cebu & Bohol

My life and business partner, Tim, and I had a great time! I booked a 10-day tour through Guide to the Philippines. At first, I just felt that handing over our precious holiday to someone else was a bit uncomfortable, but we are so glad we did! This team of passionate professionals did everything they could to ensure we had an incredible holiday! The tour itself was extraordinary. We traveled to Bohol, Cebu, El Nido, and Puerto Princesa, beautiful places here in the Philippines, where we got to partake in some great activities like island hopping, folk dancing, lunch while river cruising, snorkeling, volleyball, kayaking, swimming with whale sharks and feeding monkeys; possibly a bit too wild, as we also bolted on all of the additional extras like mangrove boating, zip lining, and hiking, but that was more us, biting off more than we could chew but we don’t regret a thing! All the staff, from the airlines to the hotel and the tour itself, even those I only talked to through email whenever I have questions, are outstanding at doing their job! They took care of us like we were friends for a long time. To share why I need to have this vacation, I struggled to produce creative thoughts for the past few months (March to April), and I had to postpone some of my plans due to my lack of motivation to accomplish many important agendas. During the vacation, however, after doing some cleansing, grounding, and centering works in El Nido and thanksgiving offerings to nature (we are animistic), both during our easy and free time and a 10-day business with a leisure getaway, I'm always fired on by ingenious and innovative thoughts. And the thing is, I don't feel drained and exhausted physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. I can still work early in the morning until evening without checking my pulse to see if it is still beating. And everything I do is yielding positive results! I'm more than happy than ever! Knowing how a tour like this can help you escape challenging times is incredible. I actually like this routine and my newly gained stamina. I'm just amazed by myself now. So once again, thank you, Guide to the Philippines, for giving us such an adventure! I'm planning to take my whole team to El Nido next year, so I expect we will book another tour through your site!

David Gregory

David Gregory

19/02/2024, 00:34
Review of Stunning 5-Day Beach & Nature Package to Palawan Island from Manila City

Guide to the Philippines has really helped me to get around Palawan, and always making sure if I was comfortable. That was really nice! Hotels -Hue hotel was perfect! Very nice and comfortable, and great styling. The food was super, and the staff nice. The breakfast options were amazing!!! -For the budget option i was supposed to have another hotel, but because it was so busy, I had to switch to Marianne hotel. A hotel that is not finished yet, and still under construction, so no pool and quite some noise and building site smells. Room was all right, but the cleaning could have been better (water stains on mirror and such). Breakfast was not so good, the second day I even chose to have it somewhere else. Transport The transport was arranged perfectly! Nice drivers and on time. Tours - underground river was amazing! Otherworldly! We were lucky because of the weather, other ones were canceled. Lunch was ok. Apparently people could choose an add on to this tour, and go ziplining. Some chose to do this, resulting in having to wait for quite a while. Could have done without that, -honda bay tour was super! The lunch they prepared was absolutely lovely, and the guide took well care of us. We saw some lovely islands and beautiful beaches! Good atmosphere! - Tour C El Nido : i was supposed to be on another tour but in all confusion, i ender up on this one. It was too crowded, and the boat with 30 capacity had 43 tourists on it. After asking, they had to get extra life jackets from another boat. It was not comfortable with so many people on the boat and on the islands. It really was mass tourism, but at least I saw the beautiful nature! All in all, I am very happy I had the help of Guide to the Philippines and would definitely book again! But no more El Nido! Thank you!



在菲律宾,有许多菲律宾旅游套餐可供选择,但长期停留的最大旅游优惠包括机票、热门延住酒店或经济型酒店的住宿、往返机场接送、免费旅游以及所有其他适用的税费。 例如,如果您想探索宿雾至长滩岛的美景,宿雾至长滩岛套餐可为您提供难忘的跳岛游体验。如果您正在寻找长滩岛和爱妮岛的完美融合之旅,可选择为您量身定制的菲律宾长滩岛至爱妮岛旅游套餐。您还可以通过预订菲律宾长滩岛至爱妮岛旅游套餐,同时畅游长滩岛与爱妮岛,或选择菲律宾长滩岛至巴拉望旅游套餐,同时游览长滩岛和整个巴拉望,这些都是菲律宾最佳旅游套餐。您还可以选择菲律宾宿雾和爱妮岛旅游套餐,探索宿雾和爱妮岛的美景;或者选择锡亚高至宿雾旅游套餐,探索锡亚高和宿雾的美景。 您可以预订普林塞萨港至爱妮岛旅游套餐,尽情探索巴拉望的旅游胜地,或预订巴拉望行程套餐,其中包括巴拉望爱妮岛旅游套餐巴拉望科隆旅游套餐。如果您想探索首都及其附近的目的地,则可以预订多日游,其中包括马尼拉旅游套餐碧瑶旅游套餐。您还可以预订卡米金-CDO-布基农旅游套餐 关注海滩和冲浪点的游客可以预订以下旅游套餐:长滩岛旅游套餐锡亚高旅游套餐。想要游览薄荷及宿雾的游客可以预订宿雾旅游套餐薄荷旅游套餐的组合套餐,如宿雾-薄荷旅游套餐 浮潜爱好者可以选择最佳潜水套餐,在菲律宾度假期间尽情享受潜水带来的乐趣。您可以选择菲律宾水肺潜水套餐,在热门和小众的菲律宾目的地开启潜水之旅。新婚夫妇和想要在菲律宾共度浪漫时光的夫妻还可以预订菲律宾蜜月套餐菲律宾度假套餐 有很多菲律宾必打卡旅游项目可供预订。查看 Guide to the Philippines 等菲律宾旅行社提供的菲律宾行程旅游套餐。


菲律宾位于东南亚,拥有众多美丽的菲律宾群岛白色沙滩、天然岩层、壮观的瀑布、令人叹为观止的山脉、潜水点,甚至还有大量热门冲浪点。这里有 7,000 多个岛屿,比如以白沙滩菲律宾最浪漫的地方之一而闻名的长滩岛,以及以美丽的岛屿上拥有大量菲律宾最佳海滩度假村而闻名的巴拉望 说到去菲律宾度假,无论是独自去菲律宾旅游新婚夫妇到菲律宾度蜜月,还是菲律宾亲子游,最好提前规划,充分了解热门菲律宾旅游景点,首先选择要抵达的菲律宾机场,确保符合菲律宾旅行要求,查找菲律宾最佳酒店以获得舒适住宿体验,预订机场接送等。一切都弄清楚后,便可以制定行程。对于首次来菲律宾,希望获得全方位旅游体验的旅行者,我们建议您选择菲律宾 3 周行程


对于首次来菲律宾,希望获得全方位旅游体验的旅行者,建议选择菲律宾 3 周行程,如重点游览巴拉望岛,以及宿雾薄荷北吕宋菲律宾 3 周行程,或任意菲律宾 3 周行程。这是菲律宾最佳行程之一。 除了预订菲律宾 3 周行程旅游套餐外,旅客还可以了解其他菲律宾旅游行程选择,如菲律宾 2 周行程旅游套餐(为期两周的菲律宾行程)、菲律宾 10 天行程旅游套餐(菲律宾 10 天行程)、菲律宾 8 天行程旅游套餐(在菲律宾度过 8 天),甚至菲律宾 1 周行程旅游套餐(菲律宾 1 周行程)。还有菲律宾 5 天行程,非常适合时间较短但又想探索这个国家的美景和文化的旅客。 如果您想延长菲律宾旅游天数,也可以选择菲律宾 1 个月行程。您还可以选择菲律宾 12 天行程或菲律宾 15 天行程。


延住酒店或长住酒店通常提供配有小厨房、套间浴室和 Wi-Fi 连接的客房。然而,更高档的住所,例如菲律宾五星级酒店,可以为长住宾客提供保洁服务以及游泳池和健身中心等设施。这些酒店也称为服务公寓,通常以公寓的形式为旅行者提供休息场所,同时仍提供酒店设施。


如果您是商务旅行,最好入住马卡蒂市、帕西格市和塔吉格市等商业区的酒店。在这些城市长住期间,您也可从尼诺伊·阿基诺国际机场方便前往其他菲律宾机场并游览热门吕宋岛旅游景点米沙鄢旅游景点棉兰老岛旅游景点。这些地方有许多购物中心、杂货店和餐馆,也非常适合亲子游。您甚至可以预订全包式家庭度假套餐,等有空再开启度假之旅。 如果您计划远程工作,长滩岛拥有多个菲律宾最佳海滩度假村菲律宾豪华酒店,是最佳延住地点之一。长滩岛还拥有一些菲律宾最佳海滩,因此是热带工作的绝佳场所。您还可以预订长滩岛旅游套餐菲律宾导览行程,在闲暇时享受无忧无虑的旅行。




这些菲律宾长假套餐非常适合独自旅行者菲律宾亲子游,除了入住蜜月度假村之外还想探索菲律宾的新婚夫妇,或者一群背包旅行的朋友。按照传统,延住酒店更适合商务旅行人士,可以帮助其节省成本。如今,对于各类旅行者来说都是一个不错的选择,尤其是数字游民和任何规划菲律宾之旅的背包客。  与商务旅客类似,选择预订菲律宾长假套餐,您将有更多时间游览菲律宾,体验更悠闲的菲律宾行程,而不必匆忙赶路,走马观花。为了更方便地度假,强烈建议将菲律宾全包度假套餐以及菲律宾长途旅行套餐纳入您的行程。






菲律宾属热带气候。通常认为旱季(11 月至 4 月)来此旅游最佳。不过,有些地区的天气情况略有不同,因此请研究具体目的地的天气。


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